27/12/2017, it's time to move on to another location and go further to explore more of Guatemala. We've did some research for New Years Eve and we found that Lake Atitlan, especially Panajachel and San Pedro were the two best locations to celebrate the entry of the new year. Mostly because there are a lot of expats and tourists from all over the world.
We took a chickenbus for 3,5 hours for 35Q per person from Xela to San Pedro. One of the things that we find the most interesting while taken these buses, are the vendors that practically sell everything when you stop somewhere. When somebody had to get of, minimum 3 vendors jumped on the bus to sell fruit, baskets, cookies, bread... But the one we found the most amusing were the ice creams. A seller comes up the bus with five, already prepared, ice creams on a cone for only 2Q per piece. You can't miss out on that right?
The first five days we stayed at San Pedro, one of the bigger villages around the lake and from there we also visited San Juan. We stayed there at hostel Fe and their main feature is a BLOB! For those of you who don't have a clue about what it is, it's a giant inflatable cushion in the lake where you can jump onto. When you're sitting at the front of it and another person jumps on it at the back, you fly into the sky! We have footage of it, so feel free to watch!
All the days we were there, we had a wonderful time. Except for the fact that on the 31st Justine got sick, probably because of eating something wrong the day before. So that wasn't a big hooray... But it was NYE and we got to see fireworks, again! The Guatemalans are crazy about firework! It was Xela all over again.
At the first of January we moved on to Santa Cruz, a really small village at Lake Atitlan. But that's for another post...