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Crossing the border - Hello Honduras!

After being in Guatemala for over one month, we move forward. Discovering a new country, discovering new cultures, discovering new adventures: Hello Honduras!

First we needed to get to the border to enter the country. We stayed in Flores the last couple of days and when we asked around how much it would be to bring us to Honduras, the prices ware quit high and they started really early in the morning. We also went to the bus terminal to ask how much it would be to take a bus, and those prices were much better. You could take a bus from Flores (Guatemala) to San Pedro Sula (Honduras) for 240Q (just under €30) per person, so not a bad deal, but they left at 6 am and we didn't want to skip our breakfast in the hotel so we decided to do the trip on our own and we would see where we would end up. More the fun!

So the next day at 8 am we took a tuk-tuk (10Q) from our hotel to the bus station of Santa Elena. We asked around and they could bring us to Morales, a main point where we could take a new bus to bring us further. We ended up booking the bus with FDN for 75Q per person and this one would leave in just 15 minutes. Good timing!

We took our seats on the bus and were quit surprised by the luxury we had, for Guatemalan standards that is. We said to the bus driver that we wanted to go to Honduras, so if it would be possible to drop us off at the junction where the other buses drove to the border. Ready for a 5 hour bus drive towards the border. We weren't really sure if the bus would make it, since it had some problems getting up a hill, but eventually we arrived at the gas station where we could take another bus to bring us further.

Part one: check! In no time we had a small van heading to Puerto Barrios that would bring us to the next junction. 12,5Q per person for a 40 minute drive. Next stop and normally the last one before we cross the border. After a long discussion with the next van we were able to join for 20Q a person (normally it's only 10Q...). In the past there was first a stop for exiting Guatemala and then another stop for entering Honduras and they were 4 km apart. Since we didn't feel like doing the Mexican border crossing story again we wanted to make sure that the van stopped on time. Justine kinda freaked out when the bus driver said it wasn't necessary to get a stamp there, because you really need it. The van stopped at the Guatemalan post, but apparently they had moved further, right next to the Honduran post so the freaking out wasn't necessary... We arrived at the border!

A lady was changing money at the border. Normally we don't change here, but we've heard before that the exchange rate was quit good so we've asked and we've changed. Also our pesos that we had left from Mexico we were able to get rid off.

Getting to customs. They were soooo nice at there. First a stamp to exit Guatemala, this was free. To enter Honduras (the booth right next to the Guatemalan booth) we had to scan our fingerprints, take a picture and pay 75L (€2,7) a person. But in 15 minutes we were all set and ready to move on.

Walking 5 minutes and a chicken bus already was waiting for us. 45L to get to Omoa or 55L to get to Puerto Cortes and he left immediately. We were lucky. We choose to end our journey for the day in Omoa since it was already quit late and we read that Omoa was much more nicer to spend and evening then Puerto Cortes. Almost 6 pm and our traveling day was finished. Now we needed to look for a place to sleep. We ended up at Rilo. 250L (€9) for a private room with fan. Had a walk at the beach and had a lovely meal at Emanuel. We aren't very long in Honduras, but we like the vibes...

Next day: trying to get to Utila, where we would start our diving course. Starting at 8h30 we took a bus to Puerto Cortes (19L/pp). After a short hour a man comes up to our bus and shouts San Pedro Sula/La Ceiba! That's what we need! Jumping of the bus and getting in to the van (54L/pp) again for an hour drive.

We arrived at San Pedro Sula and we were happy with the road we had already crossed today. But we still needed to make the longest one of the day: to La Ceiba. In the bus station of San Pedro we were searching for a bus that could bring us there but apparently we had just missed the buses that would be on time to catch the ferry to Utila. All the others had a 2 hour break... After walking around a bit there was one bus company that left immediately so we would be able to be on time. Like a mad man we ran, paid 121L/pp and jumped on the bus!

This was supposed to be a 3 hour drive, but we were unlucky... It ended up being a 4 hour and a half drive, so we missed our ferry... Spending a night in La Ceiba so we could take the ferry in the morning... Plus: they always come on to the bus to sell food and there we've tried mango for the first time. Not the normal mango like everybody knows it, but the green one. They cover it with spiced salt, chili and some sort of brown juice. Doesn't sound appealing but it's delicious. And that for only €0,30!

By doing the trip on your own and not taking the 'direct' bus from Flores to San Pedro Sula we were able to do this trip for 17 euros instead of 30 euros. And with another 5 euros you were in La Ceiba. 600 km separated from Flores, Guatemala.


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