9 November 2017, the beginning of the big adventure! Our six month backpacking trip begins! Ready for it?
First step: taking the train to Brussels Airport at 9h40 pm! Normally we should take a train the next day, but because the Belgian railway system is so great, there is not one train available that is early enough so we can make our flight at 6h40 am on Friday. It took us a long time to find the best priced ticket to fly to our destination, Mexico City. If you want to know the option, you can check our post here.
Second step: Stay overnight at the airport of Brussels. I can tell you that there is not a lot to do in an airport at midnight... The only thing you can do is visit a Starbucks or go and grab something to eat at Panos where you can find croissants, sandwiches and so much more. And if you are looking for a power point, well that's another hassle. I had to walk all three floors to finally find one power outlet that we could use to charge our phones.
Third step: Check in and take a seat. After a long night at the airport we could finally check in and go to the gate. We had a 13 hour flight from Brussels to Cancun with a stop at Varadero, Cuba. From there on we had to take a second plane to Mexico City where we would start our real journey. Unfortunately we couldn't book a flight at the airport of Cancun for a reasonable price anymore. Apparently all the Mexicans book everything last minute. When we looked online before we took off at Brussels there were more than 15 fight available with many seats (but the site blocked so we couldn't book anything), but when we were in Cancun nothing was left. Only a first class flight at night for more then 300 euros per person... No thank you, we will stay a night in Cancun and fly tomorrow.
Fourth step: Find a hotel or hostel in Cancun. When we looked online there were a couple of options available, but since we are travelling low budget we only looked at the lowest in price ranking. The result: Hostel Kukulcan Canacun close to the center, including breakfast and a private room for 6 people for 320 MXN. Not a bad deal if you consider the normal prices in Cancun. We took an ADO bus from the airport to the central in Cancun and walked about 1 km to our hostel. Sleep tight!
Fifth step: Fly to Mexico City, end station. After taking the bus back to the airport we could hop on to our VivaAirobus plane direction Mexico City. A short 2 hour and a half later we set ground on Mexico City soil. In total this was only a 48 hour trip to get there, easy right? Our journey can begin!